RedMas Digital Advertising Solutions is a leading company in digital advertising solutions with presence in Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Uruguay and the United States. Our team of multidisciplinary professionals offers a wide range of solutions that few online advertising companies can match.
Our mission is to satisfy the needs of our current and potential partners by offering access to audience ranges and online platforms through a single point of contact: our Network. Our premium publishers allow us to offer advertisers a unique segmentation capability that adjusts to the needs of each market.
RedMas is part of Cisneros Interactive, the business unit specializing in digital advertising belonging to the Cisneros Group. Cisneros Group of Companies is one of the largest private media, entertainment, telecommunications and consumer products organizations with a reach of more than 500 million Spanish-speaking consumers in the Americas and Europe